Categories for Business Support

Do you know if your Prevent Strategy is working?

November 10, 2023 8:24 am Published by

Do you know if your Prevent Strategy is working? Recent Ofsted reports have highlighted that too many further education colleges and skills providers are leaving their learners at risk of radicalisation and extremism.

RoTO – Lessons Learnt

November 10, 2023 8:22 am Published by

After completing over 50 RoTO applications in the June 2015 refresh window we share a few pointers on the lessons we have learnt.

Staffline acquire A4e

November 10, 2023 8:21 am Published by

Staffline have announced that they are to acquire A4e Limited for a total consideration of £34.5 million. The acquisition represents a highly complementary fit with Staffline’s existing Employability division, accelerating the Group’s growth strategy and bringing a number of strategic benefits and revenue synergies.